To join Exodus Wallet and create an account, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download and Install Exodus:
  2. Visit the official Exodus website at
  3. Download the Exodus wallet software for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
  4. Install the application on your computer by following the installation instructions provided on the website.
  5. Open Exodus:
  6. Launch the Exodus wallet software on your computer after installation.
  7. Create a New Wallet:
  8. When you open Exodus for the first time, you will be prompted to create a new wallet.
  9. Click on the "Get Started" or "Create Wallet" button.
  10. Set a Strong Password:
  11. Create a strong and secure password for your Exodus wallet. This password will be used to protect your wallet's private keys and access to your assets.
  12. Backup Your Wallet:
  13. Exodus will generate a 12-word recovery phrase for your wallet. This recovery phrase is essential for recovering your wallet in case you lose your device or need to restore your wallet.
  14. Write down these 12 words in the correct order and keep them in a safe and secure place. Do not share them with anyone.
  15. Confirm Your Recovery Phrase:
  16. You will be asked to confirm your recovery phrase by entering the words in the correct order to ensure that you've written them down accurately.